The 9th International Conference on IP + Optical Network (iPOP 2013) was held
on May30-31, 2013, at TKP Otemachi Conference Center (KDDI Otemachi Building 16F),
Tokyo, Japan.
General Chairs: |
Naoaki Yamanaka, Keio University, Japan |
Bijan Jabbari, Isocore, USA |
Organization Committee Co-Chairs: |
Kohei Shiomoto, NTT, Japan |
Satoru Okamoto, Keio University, Japan |
Takehiro Tsuritani, KDDI R&D Labs., Japan |
Exhibition Committee Co-Chairs: |
Takeshi Shibata, Hitachi, Japan |
Hiroaki Harai, NICT, Japan |
Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs: |
Itsuro Morita, KDDI R&D Labs, Japan |
Eiji Oki, University of Electro-Communications, Japan |
Ina Minei, Juniper Networks, USA |
【Thank You for Your Donation】
We have successfully closed iPOP this year. Let me thank you all for your kind support and donation for children on behalf of the committee.
At the conference, we mentioned that more than 200 children, expected to success in the future, has given up hope to continue their education
due to the earthquake disaster two years ago, and asked for donations in participation fee for the reception. Fortunately, we were able to donate
65,000 yen to the Japanese nonprofit organization Ashinaga (“long-legs”).
I hope we can save those children that are forced to abandon their dream to earn a living as much as possible! Thank you very much.
iPOP2013 General Co-Chair
Naoaki Yamanaka, Keio University
た。その結果、おかげさまで 65,000円をあしなが育英資金として寄付すること
代表委員長 慶應義塾大学 山中直明
Important Dates: | |
Submission deadline of one-page abstract | :February 15, 2013
February 28, 2013(Closed) |
Notification of acceptance | : March 29, 2013
April 4, 2013(Closed) |
Submission deadline of final presentation slides | : April 19, 2013
April 24, 2013(Closed) |
What's New?
Aug. 30, 2013 |
Thank you message in this page is uploaded.
June. 24, 2013 |
iPOP Photos are uploaded.
June. 21, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is updated.
June. 4, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is updated.
Booth Layout is updated.
May. 31, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is updated.
May. 30, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is updated.
May. 29, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is updated.
May. 22, 2013 |
Online Proceedings page is uploaded.
May. 9, 2013 |
Program is updated.
Program at a Glance is updated.
May. 7, 2013 |
Booth Layout is updated.
Program is updated.
Program at a Glance is updated.
Sponsors page is updated.
April. 26, 2013 |
Program is uploaded.
Booth Layout is uploaded.
Program at a Glance is updated.
Participants page is updated.
April. 25, 2013 |
Registration is started.
April. 18, 2013 |
Program at a Glance is uploaded.
April. 16, 2013 |
Call For Participation is updated.
April. 15, 2013 |
Participants page is uploaded.
Committee is updated.
April. 11, 2013 |
Top page is updated. |
Mar. 29, 2013 |
Top page is updated. |
Mar. 6, 2013 |
Call For Participation is uploaded. |
Mar. 4, 2013 |
Call For Exhibition page is uploaded. |
Feb. 14, 2013 |
Submission deadline of one-page abstract is extended. |
Jan. 23, 2013 |
Committee is uploaded. |
Coming to TKP Otemachi Conference Center is updated. |
Jan. 22, 2013 |
Call for Presentation is uploaded. |
Jan. 17, 2013 |
iPOP2013 web site is open ! |